Employer's requirements and the deductibility of WREs

Some employees may wonder whether a work-related expense (or ‘WRE’) becomes deductible merely because their employer specifically requires the employee to incur the expense.

Importantly, the ATO’s recent draft ruling on the deductibility of work-related expenses reiterates that an employer’s requirements do not determine the question of deductibility.

Specifically, a number of examples contained in the draft ruling confirm that a WRE expense may be deductible without an employer requiring the expenditure. For example, a taxpayer incurring expenditure in relation to a course directly connected to their current employment (without their employer’s specific support) may still be in a position to claim self-education deductions.

Alternatively, expenses may be non-deductible despite an employer’s specific directions, such as a restaurant requiring its waiters to dress in ‘black and whites’, or support such as where an employer encourages a dental practice receptionist to undertake a ‘Certificate in Dental Assisting’ so as to open up a new career opportunity.

To read up on the deductions you can claim, head to the ATO’s website for more information.

If you require advice or assistance with the type of deductions you can claim, call our office on (08) 9392 7600 to book an appointment with one of our friendly registered tax agents.


Exciting News! Muntz Partners is Rebranding to Acclaim Accounting

We are thrilled to announce that Muntz Partners will soon be known as Acclaim Accounting.

This change reflects our commitment to providing you with even better services and experiences.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey together!

Note: The change will take effect on May 15th 2024.