With the holiday season approaching, many employers and businesses want to reward their staff and loyal clients/customers/suppliers. It is important to understand how gifts to staff and clients, etc., are handled ‘tax-wise’.

Gifts that are not considered to be entertainment

These generally include a Christmas hamper, a bottle of whisky or wine, gift vouchers, a bottle of perfume, flowers or a pen set, etc.

Briefly, the general FBT and income tax consequences for these gifts are as follows:

  • gifts to employees and their family members – are liable to FBT (except where the ‘less than $300’ minor benefit exemption applies) and tax deductible; and
  • gifts to clients, suppliers, etc. – no FBT, and tax deductible.

Gifts that are considered to be entertainment

These generally include, for example, tickets to attend the theatre, a live play, sporting event, movie or the like, a holiday airline ticket, or an admission ticket to an amusement centre.

Briefly, the general FBT and income tax consequences for these gifts are as follows:

  • gifts to employees and their family members – are liable to FBT (except where the ‘less than $300’ minor benefit exemption applies) and tax deductible (unless they are exempt from FBT); and
  • gifts to clients, suppliers, etc. – no FBT and not tax deductible.

Non-entertainment gifts at functions

What if a Christmas party is held at a restaurant at a cost of less than $300 for each person attending, and employees are given a gift or a gift voucher (for their spouse) to the value of $150?

Actual method used for meal entertainment

Under the actual method no FBT is payable, because the cost of each separate benefit (being the expenditure on the Christmas party and the gift respectively) is less than $300 (i.e., the benefits are not aggregated). No deduction is allowed for the food and drink expenditure, but the cost of each gift is tax deductible.

50/50 method used for meal entertainment

Where the 50/50 method is adopted:

  • 50% of the total cost of food and drink is liable to FBT and tax deductible; and
  • in relation to the gifts: (1) the total cost of all gifts is not liable to FBT because the individual cost of each gift is less than $300; and (2) as the gifts are not entertainment, the cost is tax deductible.

Are you unsure about how the FBT affects gifts and entertainment for your business specifically? Contact us today to book an appointment with one of our experienced business and tax advisors who will explain everything in detail to you.

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Exciting News! Muntz Partners is Rebranding to Acclaim Accounting

We are thrilled to announce that Muntz Partners will soon be known as Acclaim Accounting.

This change reflects our commitment to providing you with even better services and experiences.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey together!

Note: The change will take effect on May 15th 2024.